Major News: Nathan leaves Point A, but new blood in! Meet Andrew..

TJ/Travis and Nathan outside Point A on Nathan's last day in Adelaide
TJ and Nathan outside Point A on Nathan’s last day in Adelaide

Hello all, TJ/Travis here.

Today Nathan has departed for a year of training at the National Institute of Circus Arts in Melbourne. This brings to an end our Partnership that founded Point A a year and a half ago. While it is sad to see Nathan leave, it has been a catalyst for a lot of change that is bubbling away behind the scenes right now, and you will all start to see the results very soon.

The most important thing is that I’m very excited to introduce Andrew Wallis to you over the next few weeks. Andrew will be joining the team and together we will be taking Point A to the next level in 2014. Andrew has a broad skill base across martial arts, gymnastics, and stunt work. He’s quitting a full time programming job to get away from the desk and take the opportunity to make Movement even more of his life.

Apologies to anyone who had to wait longer than usual for replies to emails or was otherwise left hanging over Dec/Jan. There was only a short time to prepare for Nathan’s departure and there was serious consideration towards closing Point A – but we made working towards a solution a priority.  January will be a bit of a transition month as Andrew gets up to speed, and we are both very excited to bring many awesome things in 2014!

Andrew Wallis, now part of Point A
Andrew Wallis, now part of Point A

I’d like to take this post as a chance to thank everyone who has supported this Point A  thing through our first year and a half (!) – it has been a lot of work but amazing when I look back on everything that we’ve managed.

As we get 2014 organised, if you (or someone you know) might like to hire the space for regular sessions, run one-off workshops, or be involved in any other way (for example, uni student placements) then please get in touch! Also, I’d appreciate if you could pass this link/news around – Facebook has been getting worse and worse for ‘business pages’ as they try and squeeze money out of people.

Much love to you all! Keep it the moves.


P.S. – If you’re an accountant, lawyer, media, marketing, HR, or any other sort of business-operations person with some spare time, we’d love a bit of mentoring. We’re still making this up as we go along. No money to compensate you with (yet) but we can offer movement/training! Contact.